Thursday, February 24, 2022

How to Find High-Quality International Suppliers

Picking the right international suppliers is about more than just finding the lowest price. While many buyers prioritize price above all else, you have to consider the overall level of service you're getting. Issues related to factors like shipping and scalability could cost you more in the long run.

So how do you find international suppliers that meet your needs? Check out our tips below.

Analyze Import Trade Data

You'd be surprised by how much information you can gain from looking at trade data. You can look at a supplier's shipping activities worldwide with just a simple search!

Use it to understand the supplier's shipping processes. Are they on time? Do they use locations that work with your needs? What about on-time delivery rates? All of that information makes a huge difference.

By looking into import trade data, you can quickly determine which supplier provides top-notch service and which ones don't. Go beyond quotes and use this data to see what to expect when you're a paying customer.

Review Certifications

Certifications exist for a reason. They give you some insight into the supplier's capabilities and quality standards. Don't assume that a supplier will provide top-notch products all the time. Look for those certifications that meet your needs.

Some suppliers make it difficult to find certifications, let alone verify them. Be vigilant, and learn to walk away when suppliers are intentionally vague.

Understand Manufacturing Capabilities and Scalability

When you're interested in working with a supplier, make sure you do your due diligence and assess their overall capabilities. Is the supplier a small company, or do they have multiple warehouses in strategic locations that benefit you?

Don't forget to determine scalability. You never know when you'll need a high volume of orders to meet a sudden surge of interest. It pays to have a flexible supplier that can fulfill those orders quickly and efficiently when that happens.

Do Your Homework

Finding a high-quality supplier should be a lengthy process. Don't be afraid to ask questions and do your research. Contact references, look at import data, and gauge financial stability. Those seemingly minor details make a big difference in the long run.

Read a similar article about trade data for importers here at this page.

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