Friday, October 1, 2021

How to find Chile Import Data

If you live in Chile, or if you are a Chilean national living abroad for one year or more and want to import a vehicle into your country of residence, the vehicle must comply with the technical requirements established by the respective authority on imports. In this blog post, we will tell you how to find Chilean customs data.

1. The Chilean Ministry of Public Works and Transportation

The Chilean Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte, or MOPT) is the national authority in charge of the technical requirements for imports. This is also the agency you will have to contact to verify that your vehicle complies with the regulations.

Chile import data agency has a secretariat in Santiago and another one in Viña del Mar. In national security, the MOPT is also the agency that takes care of vehicles' registry and owners. The government institution responsible for the registering of vehicles is called "Dirección General de Transporte Terrestre" or DTTR.

2. The DTTR database

The DTTR maintains a database with all vehicles ever registered in Chile since 1970. Please be aware that this database is not open to the general public. You will have to provide your data, including your full name and ID number, to access the information.

Navigate to website and click on Consulta de vehículos

en el Registro Único Nacional.

Type your personal data and click on Consultar.

You will receive the registry results.

Note that you can also search by vehicle plate (vehicle identification number). In this case, type the Vehículo

Identificación Número (VIN), for example: BCH-042-XXXXX.

3. Chile customs data

When you have received the registry results for your vehicle, it is now time to move on and access the data obtained in this way.

If you are a Chilean national living abroad, you must be living more than one year in Chile to access the information concerning your vehicle's importation into the country. You, therefore, need to visit the DTTR secretariat in Santiago or Viña del Mar. This is mandatory if you want to access the data.

4. The DTTR office in Santiago or Viña del Mar

If you are a Chilean national living abroad and want to find out the data concerning your vehicle's importation into Chile, your next step should be to go to one of these two offices, depending on where you live.


If you are a Chilean national living abroad and want to import a vehicle into your country of residence, the vehicle must comply with the technical requirements set forth by the respective authority.

Read a similar article about import export data here at this page.

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